Business owners in Moe’s town centre have raised the alarm over anti-social and criminal behaviour which is eroding community safety around the new skate park on George Street.
The Nationals’ Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, met with business owners recently who reported a few repeat offenders are allegedly running rampant in the central business district.
“Moe is home to a great community asset in the new skate park on George Street, but it’s going to waste because of anti-social and criminal behaviour which is understandably deterring users and concerning parents,” Mr Cameron said.
“Business owners like Pascal from Sumo Skatestore have had a gutful. They know police do their best with limited resources to respond to these incidents, but they’re stretched thin, and with Labor’s catch and release policy the offenders are bailed almost immediately after being caught.
“Aside from the disastrous impact this is having on the viability of local businesses, local kids don’t feel safe skating with their mates, and their parents are understandably concerned for their safety.
“Targeted police operations or blitzes are effective in deterring criminal behaviour in the short-term, but it’s not a long-term solution.
“Business owners also believe that more Protective Services Officers (PSOs) would be a huge deterrent for anti-social and criminal behaviour.
“Every one of Melbourne’s 212 stations has a dedicated PSO presence, yet just FOUR in the whole of regional Victoria have a dedicated presence.
“For far too long Labor’s weakened bail laws and soft approach on crime have favoured repeat offenders while eroding our sense of safety, and that must change.
“I have written to the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police to ask what is being done to address these issues in Moe, and indeed across the whole of the Latrobe Valley.”